Contributing to the Conversation

We are delighted to join various discussions
on Climate, Agrifood and Carbon Markets
- highlighting the critical and immediate contributions of
Farmers, the Global South and Verifiable Data.

Recent Highlights

3rd Greater Mekong Subregion Agriculture Ministers' Meeting (AMM-3)

At the ADB-convened AMM-3 establishing the 2030 Kunming Strategic Framework, Arukah was one of 5 external speakers making a statement to the 6 agriculture ministers and delegations - alongside the World Bank, Food and Agriculture Organisation, World Food Programme, and the Mekong Institute.

We shared from our biochar project in Cambodia, and encouraged broad support across the GMS for Biochar at Scale as an immediate solution to divert burning, increase carbon sequestration, and improve farming yields and farmer incomes.

Asian Development Bank Post-COP29 Panel: Transforming Agri-food Systems through Carbon Markets

Hosted by the ADB, Arukah shared alongside representatives from Mitsubishi, Pollination, the Global Green Growth Institute, and leading researchers.

We shared our experience leveraging carbon markets to unlock climate finance for smallholder farmers  - and the critical role of business models that align incentives, and digital tracking for scaling with integrity and affordability.

Legion 44 Asia Premiere

At the Asia Premiere of Legion 44 - a Film and Global Movement about the rise of Carbon Removal, Arukah was delighted to have the opportunity to join a post-screening panel alongside global CDR pioneers.

Whereas CDR to date has been largely anchored in the Global North and outside of Asia - We had the opportunity to discuss the rapid emergence of high quality carbon removal solutions that are immediately scalable from the rich agriculture lands of Asia and the Global South, and to share how the comparative advantages of these markets can be a critical component to global progress on CDR adoption and scalability.

Singapore Fintech Festival

Arukah joined a discussion moderated by the IPCC Lead Author on mitigation, along with a fellow founder in the biofuels space.

We shared about the power of high quality, verifiable and interoperable data to unlock Green Finance for Sustainable Development - and discussed how a Cambrian shift in access to finance is quickly emerging with new, structured and standardised data across a range of sectors from built environments (real estate) to biofuels and last-mile rural agriculture.


Feature in BCG Report

Arukah was spotlighted in Boston Consulting Group’s latest report released on 30th Jan 2025, Unlocking the Full Potential in Carbon Markets: Pathways to Growth and Sustainability in Asia.

Dialogues like the Green Circle Climate Forum, are critical in gleaning new insights (access the report here), needed to spur meaningful action to achieve scale in the Asian market. Arukah is proud to be featured alongside inspiring powerhouses such as Climeworks, Macrocarbon,, Terraformation and Carbon Negative Shot, who each present unique solutions to overcome barriers and unlock opportunities in the market.

This recognition highlights Arukah’s commitment to pioneering high-quality carbon removal projects that not only drive climate impact, but also create tangible financial opportunities for smallholder farmers in the Global South.

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