Currently, most
agricultural waste
is burnt.

The agricultural sector represents 20-30% of all GHG emissions globally.

Biochar at Scale has the Potential to Stop This, Transforming Lives and Our Climate.

Processing agricultural waste into a stable form of carbon - biochar - can sequester carbon, and unlock new income from waste (so burning doesn't make sense anymore). Biochar can also be converted to fertiliser, which may improve farming yields - improving food security and farmer incomes.

generating income for farmers.

can be converted to...

1 Tonne of Rice Husk...

x Tonnes of Fertiliser
z tCO2e of Decarbonisation
$zz Income for Farmers
y Joules of Clean Energy
1 Tonne of Rice Husk

Enter Arukah.

We've found a way to scale High-Quality Biochar.

Arukah has built a blueprint to templatise and scale durable carbon removal from agricultural waste.

Our vision is for any organised supply chain in the Global South to be able to earn income from their waste - while addressing the concerns of global institutional buyers around legal enforceability, scalability and quality.

Reach out to find out more!

generating income for farmers.

can be converted to...

1 Tonne of Rice Husk...

1 Tonne of Rice Husk
y Joules of Clean Energy
$zz Income for Farmers
z tCO2e of Decarbonisation
x Tonnes of Fertiliser