...Anchored in Singapore.

Our Team

We are proudly anchored in Singapore, with our core team spanning 10-20 years each of experience across global capital markets, technology, climate policy, agriculture and ecology, and engineering.

Our investment and advisory committee and advisors comprise global leaders with 20-40 years each of experience across fields such as emerging market finance, credit in agriculture, long term infrastructure, biomass processing, chemical engineering, technology, last-mile sensors and decentralised data.

We are excited to bring these collective experiences together to build Arukah.

Building for the Global South, Focused on Agriculture

Gigaton-scale solutions for the Global South should focus on home market advantages - abundant agriculture waste and lower-cost labour - while honouring home market priorities, including high domestic demand for food and energy.

Hence we are starting with agriculture - agri-food accounts for 50% of Southeast Asia's emissions and 45% of South Asia's.

Globally, crop residue burning and pasture manure emissions totaled 0.37 and 0.53 gigatons of CO2 equivalent in 2019, with Asia responsible for 48% and 69% of those volumes, respectively.

The excessive use of chemical fertilisers and dumping of farm manure into freshwater lakes and rivers cause widespread pollution and ecological damage, including soil degradation. This not only harms the environment, but also threatens the livelihoods of communities reliant on healthy ecosystems, such as those engaged in fishing, agriculture and tourism.

Through the application of standard carbon credit methodologies for biogas and biochar, agricultural waste can be processed to generate not only High Quality carbon credits, but also valuable byproducts, such as biofuels, bio-oil and biofertiliser.

These outputs not only contribute to reducing emissions, but can also play a crucial role in bolstering energy and food security in the region.

Driving Decarbonisation at Scale, for our Region and the Global South

While Singapore does not produce agriculture, our neighbours do - agriculture drives 12% of regional GDP, about $400 billion annually and growing.

And Singapore is a hub for financing - we are a leading global centre for agriculture commodities trade, and an emerging centre for sustainable finance and carbon market standards.

Anchored from the far-sighted policy ecosystem in Singapore, Arukah Capital aims to develop a trusted infrastructure for High Quality carbon credit projects.

A trusted platform for data and financing of High Quality projects that respect the context and unique strengths of the Global South, will contribute to our region's health in climate transition and post-Covid recovery - and also establish blueprints for other Global South climate transitions.

Scalability with
Innovative Revenue Sharing Model

We also focus on higher local labour payments - with an innovative revenue sharing model designed to ensure that a majority of project revenue remains within the host countries.

In addition to our focus on derisked technologies and high frequency, verifiable data, Arukah Capital allocates 50% of gross project revenue (pre costs) to participating smallholder farmers, based on their verified project contributions.

This commitment to cash income rather than in-kind contributions enables our projects to mobilise at scale - with interest and ability to commit to long term, 10 year behavioral changes, both from farmers directly, as well as by their downstream processors, who see a unique opportunity to decarbonise without using their own balance sheet.

Direct cash income also enhances economic resilience for local farmers, with significant impact on poverty alleviation and post-Covid economic recovery. The World Bank estimates that growth in agriculture is two to three times more effective at reducing poverty than equivalent growth in any other sectors.

Economic resilience for farmers in turn enables both farmers and countries alike to reinvest in their unique requirements for climate transition, economic growth - and producing food for the world.

We are scaling critical solutions for the climate - while boosting economic livelihoods and access to energy and food from the Global South.

To partner with us, please reach out at pathbreakers@arukahcapital.com.